Smithsonian magazine covers history, science and culture in the way only it can — through a lens on the world that is insightful... more
Native bees in the United States are dying due to pesticides, disease and habitat loss. These insects play a critical... more
Before he was a civil rights activist, James Felder was a member of the elite U.S. Honor Guard who helped... more
Dinosaurs are often thought of as aggressors—giant beasts that dominated our planet for millions of years. But these prehistoric animals... more
For millennia, auroras have both enchanted and haunted human beings. Ancient lore is filled with myths attempting to explain what... more
Italian researcher Isabella Dalla Ragione has a most unusual job. An “arboreal archaeologist,” Dalla Ragione scours Renaissance paintings and medieval... more
Smithsonian magazine covers history, science and culture in the way only we can — through rich reporting sparked by our... more
We’re busy at work on our new season, which will hit your feeds later this month. In the meantime, we’re... more
[First released in 2023.] The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was the only unit comprised entirely of Black women to... more
After Hurricane Ike destroyed thousands of homes and inflicted an estimated $30 billion in damages in 2008, engineers hatched an... more
Have you ever felt embarrassed by the need to carry a towel, or even a fresh shirt, with you during... more